Monday, November 28, 2011

What is Three Strands all about?

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NLT)
9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
Three Strands is about women becoming what God planned when He created Eve as Ezer Kenegdo (helpmeet) to Adam. It is about women stepping up to become the shield mate to their husbands who are in battle against our enemy and his ploys meant directly for men like lust, pornography, and sexual addiction. It is about woman engaging in their own battles against the enemies attacks against them, like low self image, insecurity, self focus, etc. It is about women falling in love with their creator and learning where their worth and value lies. It is about women coming together to commit to praying for themselves, their husbands and marriages, both corporately and individually. Petitioning God to step into their marriages, to heal their marriages, to help them to become one as God intended in marriage, and to help them to fight effectively against the spiritual warfare that is attacking marriages in this day and age.
It is also about praying against the messages that the enemy has been telling women all our lives, and learning to listen to the one who made us, the one who finds them incredibly captivating, and who wants to stop the lies and tell them the truth. That God’s women are beautiful, lovely, alluring, precious, valuable, and captivating. That it is time for us to stop hiding our beauty, the world needs us.
God has given me this message, it is time for me to shout it out loud!
What God is telling me about His women:
Tell them I love them!
Tell them I gave them value at a great price.
Tell them they are beautiful, that I find them captivating
Tell them I gave up everything for them.
Tell them that through them I will heal the world, through their hands and feet. I will make their hands and feet mine, I will heal families through them, first their own, then others around them. I will heal marriages, I will heal broken people through them, this world is crying out for them, they are needed!!!
I have given them a nurturing spirit for a reason!
They are my beloved and I am theirs.
God wants me to tell them they are never alone, I am close and intimately involved.
God wants to heal them in the deepest places, where they thought that nobody notices. He notices.
Tell them how God has given them significance.
Tell them God’s enemy has tried to destroy them, but that God is not going to let him. They are God’s, and God’s alone.
God has a new name for you. It is Beautiful, Beloved, Precious, Valuable, Captivating, and Lovely.
God wants you to stop hiding your beauty, He created you because the world is desperate for you. It needs you. Only you can do what He created you for. If you don’t the world loses out. There is a purpose for your life. God will show you if you listen to His voice and pay attention to what He is showing you. He needs to be your all, your most intimate relationship.
God wants me to tell women to stop competing with each other and start working together. Women are more when they give others room to be who they are. They are more when they work together.

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